
How to Choose the Best Motorcycle for Seniors

Driver riding motorcycle on the empty asphalt road
Motorcycle Accidents

How to Choose the Best Motorcycle for Seniors

As Baby Boomers approach retirement age, the average age of motorcycle riders has risen. In 2001, the average age of American bikers was 40. By 2010, the average age had climbed to 49. But it is not just that the biker population is aging – in 2009, more than 10% of new riders were over the age of 50. It is

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Motorcycle Accidents

5 Best-Selling Motorcycle Brands

Motorcycles fulfill a rider’s dreams of speeding through open landscapes on a machine that appeals to primal emotions. Those dreams can quickly give way to harsh realities if the rider has not selected a reliable bike or if the bike does not match the kind of riding that the owner expects. Both novice and experienced riders can let their emotions

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Motorcycle Accidents

4 Signs It’s Time to Buy a New Motorcycle

There are more than 8 million registered motorcycles in the United States, and anyone who has felt the freedom of open road on a bike understands the attraction. Motorcycles offer less protection to riders than passenger cars or larger vehicles, so it is important to ride the right bike for you. Here are some signs that it may be time

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Motorcycle Accidents

Insurance Issues You May Face After a Motorcycle Crash

In the aftermath of a motorcycle accident, injured riders are confronted with challenging questions concerning medical bills, liability for the accident, and what role the insurance companies will play in covering their costs. Here are two significant insurance issues faced by motorcycle accident victims after a crash. Liability Depends on Who Caused the Accident Reagrding motorcycle crashes, California is a

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Driver riding motorcycle on the empty asphalt road
Motorcycle Accidents

How to Choose the Best Motorcycle Helmet

Cruising on a motorcycle provides an unparalleled thrill and part of that experience is, as a driver or passenger, being one with the wind. On the flip side, motorcycle riders are relatively unprotected. The result is that motorcyclists are 29 times more likely to die in an accident than their counterparts in automobiles. Studies show that a motorcycle helmet is

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Motorcycle Accidents

3 Things to Check If Your Motorcycle Won’t Start

Motorcyclists look forward to their ride. So there’s nothing worse than going out, all set for a wonderful Southern California weekend…and finding out that your motorcycle won’t start. Zip. Na-Da. What do you do? There are multiple things that will stop a motorcycle from starting. Check some simple ones first. In many cases the issue can be fixed simply and

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Motorcycle Accidents

California Motorcycle Accidents Spike During Summer Months

When the temperatures climb upward and warm weather entices people outdoors, hospitals prepare for “trauma season.” California — renowned for its scenic byways, stunning coastal views and temperate climate – has nearly 1,000,000 registered motorcycles and is rated among the best states to enjoy this popular pastime. Summer’s balmy weather and longer days means even more motorcycles on the road,

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Motorcycle Accidents

May Is Motorcycle Safety Month

May is Motorcycle Safety Month across the nation. Unfortunately, even though motorcycles constitute just 3% of all registered vehicles and are responsible for just 0.7% of all the miles traveled in the United States, motorcycle drivers and passengers made up 14% of all fatalities in traffic in 2014, the last year for which statistics are available. They made up 4% of

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Motorcycle Accidents

5 Reasons to Always Wear a Motorcycle Helmet

Hard data shows that the use of motorcycle helmets saves lives – hundreds of them each and every day. Riding without the benefit of protective gear puts motorcyclists at increased risk for severe head injuries, lasting brain trauma and death. According to recent studies by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), helmet use among riders can prevent up

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Salamarti Law - downtown Los Angeles
Motorcycle Accidents

California Becomes First State To Allow Lane Splitting For Motorcyclists

California becomes the first state in the union to define rules for cars and motorcycles to share the road with the passage of a bold new law set to go into effect on January 1, 2017.  Los Angeles motorcycle accident attorneys at the Salamati Firm say the passage of AB 51 can be an incredible asset to a personal injury lawsuit,

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