Settlement Compensation for Fractured or Broken Bones

Personal Injury Lawsuits

Settlement Compensation for Fractured or Broken Bones

Every day, people in and around Los Angeles are injured in accidents of one type or another. Whether it is the result of a slip and fall, a car accident, a workplace injury, or another unexpected event, a fracture or broken bone can lead to exorbitant medical bills and a long road to recovery. Luckily, a personal injury victim who

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Personal Injury Lawsuits

Is It Worth It to Sue Over a Small Fracture?

Yes, if your bone fracture injury was caused by the negligent actions or inactions of another party, it is worth it to sue for compensation to cover your full losses. No matter how minor a broken bone or bone fracture may seem to be initially, these injuries can require consistent, long-term medical treatment and cause the victim to incur further

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Brain Injuries

Injuries After School-Sponsored Athletics

Sports injuries are unfortunately common among students in California. When injuries after school-sponsored athletics events occur due to an act of negligence, financial compensation could be available. Our team of serious injury lawyers could assist with pursuing these claims. Often, school districts are careless in how they regulate or officiate these events. Their actions could have contributed to your, or

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Personal Injury Lawsuits

How COVID-19 May Impact Your Personal Injury Lawsuit

Like most other aspects of our lives, personal injury lawsuits have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Lawyers, insurance companies, and courts have all had to adjust the way they operate, and some delays in the process may be inevitable. However, there is no reason to delay in reaching out to an attorney if you have been injured due to

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car accident
Auto Accidents

What are the Most Common Causes of Fatal Car Accidents?

Both throughout the nation and in California, far too many deaths are caused by car accidents. What are the most common causes of fatal car accidents? Read on. The #1 Most Common Cause: Driving Under the Influence Drunk driving, or driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol, is the cause of roughly 33% of all fatal car accidents in the

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statute of limitations
Personal Injury Lawsuits

How Much Time Do You Have to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Los Angeles?

Time restrictions apply when it comes to filing a personal injury lawsuit in California. If you do not file your claim within the allotted window of time, you may lose your right to receive substantial money damages to cover the cost of your injuries, including medical bills and lost wages. Don’t leave money on the table by failing to file

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Personal Injury Lawsuits

What Are PTSD Personal Injury Claims?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychological condition that can be caused by life-threatening events. While the term came into wide use after the Vietnam War, and veterans can have PTSD, other kinds of traumatic experiences can also cause the condition. A severe car crash, for example, can result in PTSD. In fact, it is estimated that between one-fourth to

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Can You Sue Your Spouse for Personal Injury?

At first glance, it might seem rare for one spouse to file a personal injury lawsuit against the other spouse. However, this situation is more common than you might think. Furthermore, the act of suing one’s spouse doesn’t only happen in cases of marital separation or a pending divorce. In fact, it’s quite possible for both spouses to maintain good

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Personal Injury Lawsuits

How Long Does It Take for a Facial Fracture to Heal?

Certain injuries, even if not life-threatening, can be relatively disturbing. Whether it is due to a natural protectiveness of the eyes, to the cosmetic effects of facial disfigurement, or another reason, many people are more disturbed by the thought of a facial injury than by the thought of another injury of similar severity elsewhere on the body. For those who

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Group of people holding candle vigil

Anniversary of Las Vegas Shooting Marked with Memorials

Monday, October 1, 2018, marked the one-year anniversary of the Las Vegas shooting that took the lives of 58 attendees of the Route 91 Harvest music festival. Hundreds more were injured in the attack. People in and around Las Vegas marked the event with memorials. Meanwhile, investigations have still not revealed a clear motive for the massacre. Shooting anniversary marked

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