
When is a Pedestrian at Fault for a California Car Accident?

#1 Pedestrian Accident Lawyer
Auto Accidents

When is a Pedestrian at Fault for a California Car Accident?

On the streets of Los Angeles, pedestrians are often vulnerable. They risk getting struck by distracted, drunk, or drowsy drivers. However, determining fault in car accidents involving pedestrians is not always clear-cut. With California being a pure comparative negligence state, there are times when pedestrians can be held partially liable for a car accident if they are not using a

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Auto Accidents

What Tricks Do Insurance Adjusters Use to Avoid Paying?

Insurance company adjusters use a number of strategies to avoid paying the full amount of what they owe accident victims. For example, they may trick you into admitting fault and obtaining more information than you must provide. They’ll also tell you that you don’t need a car accident lawyer, even if you clearly do, and they may even hire an

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Auto Accidents

How Frequent Are Wrong-way Collisions on California Roads?

Wrong-way accidents are not uncommon on the roads and highways of California – and, tragically, they are also frequently fatal. According to the Mercury News, there are an average of 48 traffic fatalities in California each year related to wrong-way collisions. That is an accident nearly once a week—every week—that leads to the loss of life. Not all wrong-way collisions

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Auto Accidents

Car Crash Caused by Medical Condition: Is the Affected Driver At Fault Under California Law?

Under certain conditions, when a driver experiences a sudden medical emergency that results in a car crash, that driver will be excused from liability for any damages or losses sustained by others. The excuse from liability is not automatic, however, and the driver seeking to use a medical emergency defense has the burden of proving the emergency was the predominant

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Auto Accidents

Can You File a Claim If the Car Is Insured in California but the Driver Is Not on the Policy?

Most insurance policies cover the car and not the specific driver who was involved in an accident. The critical exception to this is if the driver falls within the definition of an “excluded driver” under the terms and conditions of the insurance contract. When might a driver be excluded from coverage under an insurance policy? A car owner might exclude

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Auto Accidents

If Your Car is Stolen and in a Wreck, Are You Liable?

The Los Angeles Police Department estimates that almost 30,000 cars are stolen in LA every year. Perhaps the only bright spot for the victims is that they will generally not be liable for damages if the perpetrator crashes the stolen car and harms other people. The car accident attorneys at Salamati Law represent victims in Southern California. We have seen

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Auto Accidents

Do Pre-Existing Conditions Affect Car Accident Claims in California?

Pre-existing conditions affect car accident claims because they are often exacerbated by a collision. The party responsible for your accident is not liable for your pre-existing condition but may prove liable for significantly aggravating it. A Los Angeles personal injury attorney at Salamati Law can help clients with pre-existing conditions receive the compensation they deserve for their injuries. Contact us

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traffic jam southern California with trucks
Auto Accidents

California Proposes to Ban the Sale of Gas-Powered Cars by 2035

Last September, Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order to end the sale of gas-powered vehicles by 2035. In response, California regulators have introduced a proposal to ban the manufacture of new gas-powered cars. It is expected to be voted on in August. If approved, it would be enacted in different stages–35% of new passenger vehicle sales be powered by

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traffic jam southern California with trucks
Auto Accidents

California Regains the Legal Right to Regulate its Own Air Pollution

This March, the Biden administration restored California’s legal authority to set stringent auto pollution rules. California can once again implement its own greenhouse gas emission standards to protect public health and slow the effects of climate change. Given that transportation is the largest source of greenhouse gases in the nation–accounting for almost 30 percent of total emissions–this reinstatement of power signifies

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traffic jams in the city, road, rush hour
Auto Accidents

California Gas Rebates May be Delayed Until Late Summer

If you are frustrated with California’s high gas prices, you are not alone. California has some of the highest gas prices in the nation. Unfortunately, this crisis is not showing any signs of abating, as the city of Mendocino here in California has recently approached $9.60 per gallon. There is no telling when this crisis will end. Needless to say,

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