
California Is the #1 State for Dog Bites

California Is the #1 State for Dog Bites

Dog bites can cause severe injury, infection, and even death. Every year, 4.5 million dog bites occur around the country, and 1 in 5 of them need medical care. California leads the nation in the number of dog bites reported each year, according to a recent survey by State Farm, based on its insurance claims. With 488 claims in 2017,

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Hand Surgery After A Dog Bite

An estimated 4.7 million Americans are bit by dogs each year. This figure includes roughly 600,000 children. Senior citizens and mail carriers are the second and third most-common victims of dog attacks. Some of these bites are nips from the family dog, but more vicious attacks occur when dogs break out of an enclosure or dart off a leash, which

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What To Do If You’re Bitten By a Dog

Dog bites can happen in an instant but leave lasting injuries, medical bills, and even a post-traumatic fear of dogs. What you do immediately after a dog bite can help minimize the dangerous long-term effects. If you or a loved one has been bitten by a dog, it is crucial to take care of the wound, obtain vital information about

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Child Victims of Dog Bites

Playing with a dog who suddenly bites is one of the most common causes of child ER visits. Often, the dog is the family pet or a next-door neighbor’s animal. Their small stature and strength puts a child at risk of serious injury from a dog bite. As a parent, you feel frightened, helpless, and probably angry about what has

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Liability for Dog Bites in California

Every state has its own set of dog bite laws. Some have adopted so-called “one-bite” statutes that gives pet owners one shot at escaping legal responsibility in the event their dog bites or attacks someone. There are 14 “one bite” states, but California is not one of them. In California, dog owners are held strictly liable for any injuries or

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Tips for Preventing Dog Bites and Injuries from Dog Bites

Every year, more than 4.5 Americans are bitten by “man’s best friend.” It’s not just mail carriers who are at risk for dog bites and attacks — bicyclists, pedestrians and small children can suffer serious dog bite injuries, many of which require emergency medical care. In 2015, nearly 31,000 people had reconstructive surgery to address disfiguring wounds caused by dogs.

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