Dealing With Broken Bones After a Truck Accident

traffic jam southern California with trucks
Truck Accidents

Dealing With Broken Bones After a Truck Accident

Broken bones are among the most common injuries after a truck accident. At best, victims will spend a few months recuperating. At worst, the injury causes permanent impairment and loss of mobility. In either situation, you cannot work, care for family members, or participate in everyday activities. A serious injury attorney at Salamati Law can help you receive the compensation

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Yellow truck in the rush hour on the highway at dusk
Truck Accidents

Who Is to Blame for a Wide Turn Truck Accident?

When truck accidents occur, they are often very severe and even catastrophic. Semi-trucks, tractor-trailers, and 18-wheelers are huge both in size and weight. They can extend for over 60 feet. Semi-truck weights can exceed 60,000 pounds. An 18-wheeler’s weight and size can crush a car. Needless to say, the effect of truck accidents can cause injuries and, unfortunately, even death

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How Can I Get a Truck Driver’s License in California?

Great pay, benefits, job security — these are just some of the advantages of a career as a truck driver. For those who have a longing for the open road and a constant change of scenery, this occupation is highly attractive. But before you can get behind the wheel of a big rig, you need a truck driver’s license. So

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traffic jam southern California with trucks
Truck Accidents

4 Busiest Truck Routes in California

Trucking is the principal mode of freight and cargo transportation in California. An essential mode for regional, intrastate and long-distance commerce, 18-wheelers haul everything from machinery and industrial supplies and manufactured goods, to extracted resources and food products. On any given day, tractor trailers and large commercial trucks move more than 5 million tons of freight through California, with San

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Drug Testing Laws for Truck Drivers After Accidents

Commercial truck drivers have one of the toughest jobs, usually characterized by grueling schedules, low pay and monotonous hours behind the wheel. Most truck drivers are expected to work 11 consecutive hours each day – a tiring schedule that invites the use of stimulants and other medications simply to make it through a shift. The physical and mental exhaustion of

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Top 4 Causes of Truck Accidents in California

California truck accident lawyers deal with some of the most devastating crash injuries possible. The sheer size and weight of large trucks puts others they share the road with in harm’s way if they are not driving carefully and responsibly. Truck drivers are four times more likely to survive and three times more likely to walk away from an accident

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Truck Accidents

Proving Fault in a California Truck Accident Case

There are hundreds of fatalities and thousands of injuries attributed to California truck accidents each year. Driver error was a factor in more than a third of the cases that went before a judge or jury. Fatigue, impairment, inattention, distraction, lapsed judgement, aggressive driving habits, and speeding all contribute to the deadly nature of collisions between trucks and other vehicles

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3 Tips on How to Drive Safely Around Trucks

Knowing how to drive safely around trucks on southern California highways may save your or someone else’s life. Los Angeles area roads are major thoroughfares for trucks hauling goods to the rest of the country and the ports that serve the world. There are many trucks here as compared percentage-wise to other traffic. Trucks, just because of their size and

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Sovereign Immunity and Fire Truck Accidents

Government-owned fire trucks and police cruisers are common sights at accident scenes, but what happens when these vehicles – which frequently travel at high speeds – crash, causing serious personal injury and property damage? If you are in an accident with a fire truck, does California law offer remedies to seek financial restitution for your medical bills, lost wages and

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Have You Been in a Truck Accident? Be Aware of These Crucial Legal Issues

Truck accidents are those involving commercial semi-trucks, tractor-trailers, 18-wheelers or other large commercial vehicles. The accidents themselves may cause personal injury or death to other motorists, bicyclists or pedestrians. They may also cause property damage. Truck accidents are responsible for 5,000 deaths per year. They also cause more than 60,000 injuries. While truck accidents are vehicle accidents, they are very

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