
NHTSA Promotes Older Driver Safety Awareness Week

Auto Accidents

NHTSA Promotes Older Driver Safety Awareness Week

Aging is a fact of life but it still catches us off-guard. The slow process can cause decline in abilities and present other challenges that make driving less safe, but many older adults are unaware or reluctant to accept the changes. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) joined forces with organizations like the CDC, the American Occupational Therapy Association,

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Salamarti Law - downtown Los Angeles
Auto Accidents

Heavy Rains Trigger Mud Slides and Spike in Vehicle Accidents

In the wake of rampant forest fires, mud and debris slides throughout the region wreaked havoc in California, and are tied to a number of serious traffic accidents. In just one day, the California Highway Patrol (CHP) reported four times the number of accident calls it usually receives, at 365 between 5 a.m. and 9 a.m. Southern California was being

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3 Tips for Driving in Heavy Rains

As all residents of southern California know, our region has been hit with heavy rains recently. Torrential downpours can be dangerous in the Los Angeles area for several reasons. First, the area is dry, and the rains can cause a high amount of water on the road and even flash flooding. River levels can rise and flood as well. Second,

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car accident scene
Auto Accidents

My Lyft Driver Crashed. Can I Sue?

Ride-sharing services like Lyft have simplified transportation questions for people in California and across the nation. However, when a Lyft driver is involved in a crash, the logistics of a personal injury suit can be less than simple. Here are some factors that can affect the process. Ride-sharing liability in California California follows a traditional negligence model when it comes

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Auto Accidents

NHTSA Issues Safety Reminder Amid Bus Stop Accidents

Halloween costumes and trick or treating schedules should be the top news in late October, but this year the news has been consumed with instance after instance of drivers hitting kids at bus stops. There were at least five accidents in only three days, from Florida to Indiana, with the Indiana school bus stop accident killing 6-year-old twins and their

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Marijuana leaves, cannabis
Auto Accidents

Cannabis and Driving: What are the Risks?

The dangers of drinking and driving are well-established, but what about using cannabis products and getting behind the wheel? Can smoking marijuana impair your judgment, perception and reaction times just as much as having a few too many cocktails? A handful of studies suggest that cannabis and driving is a perilous combination, as drugged drivers have a much higher risk

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Auto Accidents

Tips for Talking to Your Insurance Adjuster After a Car Crash

Insurance adjusters are trained to settle car accident claims quickly and cost-effectively. Any statement you make to an insurance adjuster at the accident scene or during later inquiries can make a significant impact on your financial recovery. Words can be taken out of context or twisted and later used against you, making it all the more important to heed these

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Little children in Halloween costumes trick or treating
Auto Accidents

Halloween Safety Tips for Driving and Trick or Treating

As kids prepare for trick or treating fun, many parents are aware of the risks like taking candy from strangers. Often overlooked, however, are the risks of traffic accidents. Halloween is a time when both pedestrian fatalities and DUI accidents spike. Parents and motorists alike can help keep the festivities safe by following a few Halloween tips. Halloween pedestrian accident

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Auto Accidents

Is a Car Making a Left Turn Always at Fault in an Accident?

Ever wonder whether drivers who are making a left turn can be held to blame if an accident occurs with another vehicle that is going straight through an intersection? Right-of-Way Laws Give Precedence to a Driver Going Straight The answer is almost always yes. California right-of-way laws, like the right-of-way laws of most states, indicate that drivers going straight have

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car accident
Auto Accidents

Teenage Driver Safety: What To Tell Your Kids Before They Get Behind the Wheel

Children in southern California are heading back to school for the start of a new school year. If you have teens who are just starting to drive, there’s no time like the present to give them valuable lessons on teenage driver safety. In the last year for which statistics are available, 2,333 teenagers between the ages of 16 and 19

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