Insurance company adjusters use a number of strategies to avoid paying the full amount of what they owe accident victims. For example, they may trick you into admitting fault and obtaining more information than you must provide. They’ll also tell you that you don’t need a car accident lawyer, even if you clearly do, and they may even hire an investigator to surveil you. Protect yourself by getting the facts about their tricks from the following list and obtain qualified legal counsel.
1. Befriending you and offering a sympathetic ear
During that first phone call with your insurance adjuster, you’ll likely be pleasantly surprised to discover how nice and friendly they are. They’ll be concerned about your well-being and ask how you’re recovering from the accident. Resist the temptation to befriend them–they are not there to help you. Offering a sympathetic ear is the adjuster’s way of getting you to reveal more information than you should.
2. Getting you to admit fault
The insurance adjuster wants an admission of fault. Clearly, you’re not likely to tell them, “Yes, the accident was my fault.” However, they won’t be this obvious. For example, the adjuster might ask you whether you could have done anything differently to prevent the accident. Assume that any conversation you have with the company is being recorded. Never answer an open-ended question, and do not agree to give a statement until you speak with a lawyer.
3. Saying they require a medical release
Never agree to provide authorization for the insurance company to access your medical records. They’ll comb through your health information to find a prior injury on which they can blame your current symptoms.
4. Telling you that you don’t need a car accident lawyer
The last thing the insurance company wants to hear is that you’ve spoken with an attorney. They know that a well-qualified lawyer won’t allow the insurance company to violate their client’s legal rights. The insurance adjuster will try to tell you that you don’t need a lawyer if it was a minor accident, yet, even a fender bender can cause significant damage to a car and injuries such as chronic whiplash. So, err on the side of caution and seek legal counsel.
5. Hiring an investigator to surveil you
If your accident caused injuries, you might be placed under surveillance. The insurance company may hire an investigator to scrutinize your social media accounts. If you’re on crutches, for example, and you post a selfie that doesn’t show your crutches—even if they’re just out of view—the insurance company may try to claim that you don’t need crutches and aren’t severely injured.
Protect yourself with exceptional legal representation
At Salamati Law, our Los Angeles auto insurance adjuster attorney works tirelessly to protect the rights of our injured clients. We focus on personal injury law, which means our team knows every trick that insurance companies try to use to avoid paying what you deserve. Contact our law office today to request a free consultation with a car accident lawyer. We never charge a fee unless we recover compensation for you.