
Spinal Injuries in Slip & Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents are caused by loose debris, snow and ice, wet floors, broken handrails on stairs, or tripping hazards like loose extension cords. While there are times when a fall results in bruising, it can also cause serious spinal cord injuries (SCI). According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, recovery often requires long-term hospitalizations, physical therapy, rehabilitation, and long-term disability. If your SCI is due to another party’s negligence, you could have a case for compensation.

Our compassionate team at Salamati Law in Los Angeles could help you recover damages against the negligent parties and hold them accountable. Contact us today to discuss your slip and fall injury during a free consultation with our firm. We’re happy to answer your questions and discuss your options.

Understanding Spinal Cord Injuries

The Cleveland Clinic defines the spinal cord as a “cylindrical structure that runs through the center of your spine, from your brainstem to the low back.” It is one of the most important parts of the central nervous system. Your spinal cord allows your brain to send nerve signals to the rest of your body. It controls body movement and functions, reports senses to your brain, and manages your reflexes. Damage from a fall interrupts this process and can result in paralysis.

Spinal cord injuries or a fractured spine after a fall usually involve the victim absorbing the impact with their head, neck, and back. Some of the most devastating slip and fall accidents occur from falling down a flight of stairs.

The Importance of Experienced Legal Counsel

In a spinal cord injury, every case is different. Age can play a role in determining the value of a slip and fall injury claim. Young people in excellent health will likely be entitled to a higher settlement amount. However, the defendant’s lawyer or insurance company can claim that victims, regardless of age, are partially or entirely at fault. For example, they could argue that the victim bears partial responsibility because they wore sneakers instead of boots after a snowstorm.

Or the victim is negligent because they walked into a hazardous area that should’ve been avoided, often termed “open and obvious,” but ignored the danger. This underscores the need for an experienced and knowledgeable legal team to rebut and refute these arguments because the cost of spinal cord injury could run into millions of dollars.

Types of Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries are classified as complete or incomplete. 

  • A complete spinal cord injury means there is no function beneath the site of the injury, and sensation and movement are affected on both sides of the body.
  • An incomplete spinal cord injury means that some functions below the injury site will remain with degrees of movement and sensation. One side of the body may be more affected than the other.

Overall, the trauma to the body often results in losing control of bodily functions, such as bladder and muscle control and sexual function. Many victims experience respiratory issues and feel pain throughout their bodies.

What are the costs of a spinal cord injury claim?

A printed out medical bill with a stethoscope on top

There are often significant physical, emotional, and financial costs associated with a spinal cord injury. Because slip and fall accidents are often due to the negligence of property owners or managers, they can be held accountable through a civil lawsuit.

A Los Angeles slip and fall lawyer can pursue the following:

  • Medical expenses. Many seek medical expenses following a slip and fall, as these costs are often exorbitant. This is especially true for anyone who has sustained an SCI.
  • Lost wages. Most people cannot work in the aftermath of a spinal cord injury. A civil lawsuit could provide them with damages that cover their lost wages and future lost wages.
  • Reimbursement for the pain and suffering Chronic pain takes its toll on the victim’s mental and physical health.
  • Recognition of the value of the loss of enjoyment of regular daily activities
  • Impairment of important relationships with spouses, family, and friends due to the severity of the injuries

Contact Salamati Law for a Free Consultation

Century City skyline in California during the day

Schedule a free consultation with our team if you sustained spinal cord damage or a fractured spine after a slip and fall in Los Angeles. When you need a full-service law firm that takes spinal cord injury cases on a contingency basis, you can depend on our tenacity and experience to fight for your right to fair and reasonable compensation for the damages you have sustained.

No Obligation, No Fees Guaranteed, Unless We Win

We are committed to negotiate your case aggressively, strategically and creatively. Personal injury lawsuits are retained on a contingency fee agreement, and plaintiffs will pay no legal fees unless the firm is able to recover damages on your behalf.

No Fee Guarantee Unless We Win
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