Are Property Management Companies Liable for Slip and Fall Accidents in California?

In California, a property management company hired by an owner can be held liable for slip and fall accidents if it fails to properly maintain the property or provide adequate warnings about known hazards. Like all accident and injury cases, an injured tenant or guest must prove the management company’s negligence. However, the company cannot avoid liability simply because it is not the property owner.  A slip and fall accident can have a significant impact on your life, especially if you have sustained a concussion, broken bones, or a spinal cord injury. You may be unable to work, care for your family, or perform daily tasks.

At the Salamati Law Firm, we have over 28 years of experience winning compensation in premises liability claims. Our track record is second to none. Call today to schedule a free consultation.

How Can a California Slip and Fall Accident Victim Establish a Management Company’s Negligence?

Slip and fall injury report on a table.

A slip and fall lawyer will use all available evidence to demonstrate that:  

  • The management company was responsible for exercising control over the property, including repairing unsafe conditions and posting warnings about known slip and fall hazards, e.g., pools of water, slick surfaces, oil spots, etc.
  • The company failed to fulfill its repair and maintenance responsibilities.
  • The unsafe condition or hazard was the direct and proximate cause of the victim’s slip and fall accident.
  • The victim suffered injuries and incurred economic and non-economic losses, e.g., pain and suffering due to the slip and fall.

For example, an owner might contract with a property management company to collect rent from apartment building tenants and maintain its premises. If the company fails to replace broken lighting in the parking lot or fix loose stairs or railings, which causes a tenant or guest to suffer an apartment slip and fall accident, the company will be liable for the injured party’s losses.

Is a Property Management Company the Sole Party that is Liable for a Slip and Fall Accident?

A slip and fall sign on a wet wooden floor inside a restaurant

Parties other than a property management company might be liable for slip and fall injuries depending on the control and responsibility of those parties over the property. A California slip and fall lawyer can identify those parties by thoroughly investigating the complex relationships common in commercial property ownership and control.

For example, multiple parties might be involved in the ownership and management of a retail store:

  • The owner of the building where the store is located
  • The building’s property management company
  • The store’s business owner that leases the retail space
  • If the retail store is part of a bigger chain, the corporate parent of that chain
  • Any leasing agents that may be separate from the property management company
  • Subcontractors charged with routine maintenance of the building and any common grounds.

Any one or all of these entities might be named as defendants in a California slip and fall lawsuit. Liability will depend on the ability of your attorney to identify these entities and their respective authority and obligation to inspect the property for hazards and repair property defects.

How Do Property Managers Defend Against California Slip and Fall Liability Claims?

A stack of manilla folders full of papers

Many Southern California property management companies are large corporate organizations that hire teams of defense lawyers to challenge slip and fall claims.

Experienced Los Angeles accident and injury lawyers will be prepared to counter allegations that:

  • The management company did not have notice of a property defect.
  • The injured party was not paying attention to their surroundings and was responsible for the accident.
  • The hazard was open and obvious, and the injured party should have seen it while exercising due care.
  • The accident victim was a trespasser on the property.
  • The hazard was caused by transient weather conditions that the management company could not immediately or reasonably respond to.
  • The victim assumed the risk of injury by entering a restricted area on the property.

Evidence is critical to overcoming these defenses and is best collected and analyzed soon after the accident. To enhance your opportunity to recover the full compensation you deserve after you suffer slip and fall injuries, you should not hesitate to contact a slip and fall attorney promptly after you are hurt.

Contact Salamati Law for a Free Consultation

The slip and fall accident attorneys at Salamati Law understand the complex relationships that characterize commercial and multi-unit residential property ownership in Southern California. We identify and pursue compensation from all potentially liable parties, including property management companies, whose negligence contributed to a slip and fall accident. Please call our offices as soon as possible after your slip and fall accident for a free, no-obligation consultation. Since we work on a contingency fee basis, you will not pay attorney’s fees unless we win compensation for your injuries.

No Obligation, No Fees Guaranteed, Unless We Win

We are committed to negotiate your case aggressively, strategically and creatively. Personal injury lawsuits are retained on a contingency fee agreement, and plaintiffs will pay no legal fees unless the firm is able to recover damages on your behalf.

No Fee Guarantee Unless We Win
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