
Broken Bones & Fractures Los Angeles

Los Angeles Broken Bone Lawyer

Even the most minor of accidents can result in a broken bone or fracture – a painful and debilitating consequence that disrupts your day-to-day life. In accidents or situations where another’s negligence or irresponsible behavior contributed to the injury, you may be entitled to monetary damages.

The law protects victims who have been harmed by defective products, faulty equipment, negligent drivers and hazardous workplace or property conditions. In order to safeguard your legal rights, you need a Los Angeles personal injury attorney who is well-versed in broken bone claims — one who can fight for fair compensation and will never settle for less than you deserve.

The Los Angeles serious injury lawyers at Salamati Law offer more than 20 years of experience representing residents who have suffered bone fractures in slip and fall accidents, car crashes and cases involving negligence.

Types of bone fractures

The terms “fracture” and “broken bone” are often used interchangeably in the medical community.  This type of injury is caused by blunt trauma or excessive force and can range from a tiny fissure to a complete, exposed break. A bone can splinter lengthwise or crosswise and poses a medical emergency, especially in compound fractures where the bone protrudes through the skin. Also known as an open fracture, this type of injury increases risk of infection. A clean break that does not tear through the skin is called a closed or simple fracture.

Bone fractures can occur at any age, but are more common in those aged 50 and older. Bone elasticity decreases over time, making seniors more vulnerable to serious harm in the event of a slip and fall.

Different types of fractures include:

  • Hairline fracture– a small, thin crack that may be difficult to detect.
  • Greenstick fracture– more common among young children, the bone partially fractures on one side and bends on the other.
  • Avulsion fracture – an injury that often happens at the ligament, where a bone fragment pulls away from the bone.
  • Displaced fracture– bone is fractured into pieces that don’t align
  • Stress fracture– repeated forces cause a hairline fracture along the bone
  • Comminuted fracture – a bone that is shattered in three or more places
  • Crush (compression) fracture – often occurs in the vertebral bones that compress over time
  • Impacted fracture– during this type of fracture, one part of the bone goes into another

Intense pain is typically the first symptom of a broken bone, along with redness and inflammation at the area. X-Rays and CAT scans can accurately diagnose the exact location and severity of a broken bone, which may result in long-term disability for some patients.

Typical causes of broken bone injuries

Herniated discs, skull and facial fractures, as well as broken hips and legs require lengthy recovery and specialized medical attention. The majority of patients are unable to work while recuperating from a more severe bone fracture.

Some of the most common causes of accidents that result in broken bones include:

Bone injuries, particularly those that involve multiple fractures, can seriously hinder your ability to perform your normal work duties and support your family. Medical expenses and physical rehabilitation can be incredibly costly, and some fractures may even require reconstructive surgery. Skull fractures are especially dangerous because they can lead to brain hemorrhaging, which can prove fatal.

In dire circumstances like these, you need a qualified attorney in your corner who understands California personal injury law and how to obtain maximum compensation on your behalf.

Falls and bone fractures

Whether on private or public property, indoors or outdoors, falls are a notorious cause of bone fractures in all age groups, especially the elderly. In fact, half of all adults age 65 and older who were hospitalized for hip fractures cannot return home or live independently after the injury. Falls account for 87 percent of all fractures among people 65 and older, and are the second leading cause of spinal cord and traumatic brain injury.

Property owners have a duty to safely maintain their premises for residents, guests, shoppers and passers-by. If a dangerous floor condition caused a broken bone injury, you may seek compensation for medical bills, rehabilitation, lost income and more.

Legal damages available to plaintiffs with fractures

At Salamati Law, our legal team works diligently to see that you receive full compensation for economic and non-economic losses related to your bone fracture injuries. This may be accomplished by negotiating an insurance settlement or taking your case to trial.

Plaintiffs may be eligible for the following types of damages:

  • Past and future medical expenses, treatments and hospitalization
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of future earnings
  • Physical pain and emotional suffering
  • Rehabilitation costs

Furthermore, California extends legal remedies to individuals who have suffered “great bodily injury” – a type of significant physical harm (not emotional) that is determined on a case-by-case basis. Along with gunshot wounds and dog bites, bone fractures generally constitute great bodily harm and may warrant further consideration relating to a monetary award.

Consult with experienced Los Angeles accident attorneys

Whether your serious injury was caused by a careless landlord who failed to repair the flooring or a negligent driver who slammed into your car, your case merits the attention of The Salamati Law Firm. To discuss your options for legal recourse, call 888-259-4060 to arrange a free, no-obligation consultation. We serve all of California providing aggressive representation to those who have sustained broken bones or other life-altering injuries.

Resources for victims of broken bones and fractures:

  1. Medline Plus, Broken Bone https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000001.htm
  2. Mayo Clinic, Fractures and broken bones http://www.mayoclinic.org/first-aid/first-aid-fractures/basics/art-20056641
  3. org, Hospital Stays from Musculoskeletal Injury http://www.boneandjointburden.org/2014-report/via41/hospital-stays
  4. Medical News Today, What is a fracture? What are broken bones? http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/173312.php
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We are committed to negotiate your case aggressively, strategically and creatively. Personal injury lawsuits are retained on a contingency fee agreement, and plaintiffs will pay no legal fees unless the firm is able to recover damages on your behalf.

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