While you cannot be forced to give a recorded statement to your insurance company after a car accident, there could be steep consequences if you fail to do so. Your insurance policy likely requires that you give a recorded statement following a collision. If you fail to do so, you could see your claim rejected. In some cases, the company could cancel your policy entirely. You should NOT, however, give a statement of any kind to the other driver’s insurance carrier before consulting with an experienced attorney who can advise you of your rights and protect you from insurance company tactics designed to minimize your compensation payout.
Do I have to give a statement to the other driver’s insurance company?
There is a major difference between your obligation to your own insurance company and that of the other driver. You have a contractual relationship with your insurer, and the terms of your policy likely require you to give a recorded statement immediately following an accident. The same is not true for the other driver’s insurance company.
You have no contractual relationship with the other driver’s carrier. That means there is nothing that requires you to cooperate with them. While some degree of working with the other insurance company may be necessary, giving them a recorded statement without first speaking to a Los Angeles car accident lawyer is not part of the process.
In fact, one of the major benefits that comes with hiring legal counsel is that they can speak to the insurance company on your behalf. From negotiating your settlement to providing them with necessary documents, your attorney can advocate for you so that you do not have to deal with the carrier directly.
Let an attorney assist with your insurance claim
There are many factors to take into account following a motor vehicle accident. You must deal with the police at the scene as well as arrange for medical care following an injury. One of the important issues you will face is a request to give a recorded statement to your insurance company.
Your initial instinct might be to say, “no.” However, your insurance policy will almost certainly require you to give a statement and otherwise assist with the insurance company’s investigation. A Los Angeles personal injury lawyer can help you navigate this process and avoid jeopardizing your recovery.
Whether you were in a rear-end accident or struck by uninsured motorists, insurance claims could be a lifeline for you. Of course, obtaining benefits through a successful claim can be easier said than done. Our firm is ready to do the work for you and guide you through each stage of the claims process.
The attorneys of Salamati Law are ready to help you navigate the insurance claims process and secure the benefits you deserve. By putting your case in our hands, you can avoid the stress and worry that comes with dealing directly with the insurance company. Reach out as soon as possible to schedule your free consultation.