
What Should I Do if I Encounter an Aggressive Dog?

Aggressive dogs can represent a serious threat to your physical safety. You can take several steps to protect yourself and reduce the chances of an attack during these encounters. Unfortunately, avoiding a dog bite is not always possible despite your best efforts. If an aggressive animal has caused you harm, you might be able to hold the owner of the animal accountable through a civil lawsuit. A Los Angeles personal injury attorney from Salamati Law could help you recover the compensation you deserve.

Stay Alert

Encounters with aggressive dogs could be avoided entirely by staying alert. If you remain aware of your surroundings at all times, you might be able to change paths or avoid a potentially aggressive dog long before they are close enough to bite you.

One way to stay alert is to avoid distractions when you are outside of your home. Listening to music through earbuds or scrolling through your phone might alleviate boredom, but it can also distract you from signs that a nearby dog might be dangerous.

Stay Calm

Panicking the face of an encounter with an aggressive dog is never helpful. In fact, it is only likely to make things worse. Remaining calm also means not running away from it. This is a footrace you are not likely to win, and exposing your back to the dog only puts yourself in greater danger.

If you begin to panic, the dog is likely to sense your fear and become more agitated. Instead, calmly attempt to back away from the animal while never turning your back to it.

Avoid Eye Contact

Eye contact is considered a challenge among dogs. This means that staring them directly in the eye is only more likely to increase their aggression or even initiate a physical attack.

Use a Shield

If possible, find the largest, flattest object you can use as a shield. Keep this object between you and the dog but do not use it as a weapon. Instead, try to prevent the dog from biting you or knocking you over. A large object could frustrate the dog and lead it to give up once it realizes the object is too large to attack.

Use a Soothing Voice

Do not yell at the dog or attempt to strike it. Any acts of aggression are only going to make the animal more likely to attack. Instead, use a soothing, calm voice. This tactic might establish that you are not a threat.

Clean Any Wounds

If you are bitten, you should immediately attempt to cleanse the wound with soap and water as soon as possible. This can reduce the chances of infection, which is one of the primary risks of a dog bite. After rinsing the injury, you should seek immediate medical treatment.

This especially true if the wound is painful. Any cuts or lacerations could represent a risk of infection or another disease. Being checked out by medical professionals could be the best way to avoid serious health complications, even if you do not feel as though the injury is severe.

Contact our team of Los Angeles Dog Bite Lawyers

If you suffered an injury caused by a bite from an aggressive dog, you could be entitled to seek monetary compensation from the owner. While pursuing these legal claims is often challenging, the team at Salamati Law has extensive experience holding careless dog owners accountable.

If you are ready to pursue the compensation you deserve, let a Los Angeles dog bite lawyer from our firm help. Contact us right away for your free consultation.

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