
What You Need to Know About Points on Your California Driver’s License

As is the case with most states, California operates a “points system” that applies to motorists licensed by the state. These points are assigned following traffic violations and accidents, and accumulating enough of them could result in a license suspension. A driver could receive points for a variety of offenses, including speeding or distracted driving.

Points on a driver’s license are not the only possible consequence of an accident. If a driver is at fault, they could also face civil liability for any damages that occur. If you were involved in a car accident through no fault of your own, you could be entitled to compensation. An experienced attorney from our firm could help you pursue compensation.

Assessing points in California

California’s points system is used to ensure that a driver’s poor safety record is reflected in an official capacity. When the police run a driver’s license, the points on their record are visible. The way these points are assessed is fairly straightforward. Each traffic offense is given a specific point value. If you are convicted of that offense, those points are applied to your license.

Not all offenses are treated equally under state law. Some violations are not treated as harshly as others. For example, offenses like speeding or failing to yield the right of way typically result in a single point assessed to a license.

More serious offenses are assessed a greater number of points. Some of these higher-level offenses include hit and run accidents, driving on a suspended license, or reckless driving.

Impact of accruing points on your license

There are consequences that come with accruing a certain number of points in a limited amount of time. Specifically, receiving four points during the course of a 12-month period could result in a designation as a negligent operator. The same is true for accruing six points in 24 months or eight points in 36 months.

A negligent operator designation has its own consequences. Chief among those consequences is the suspension of your driving privileges. Even after the suspension ends, you could also face probation for a period of time after your license is returned. A high number of points could also lead to higher insurance rates.

Talk to an attorney following an accident in California

If you were injured in a crash, a Los Angeles car accident lawyer can ensure you have the best chance of securing compensation for your injuries. The attorneys of Salamati Law are ready to help you pursue the damages you deserve after your car accident. Reach out right away for your free consultation.

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We are committed to negotiate your case aggressively, strategically and creatively. Personal injury lawsuits are retained on a contingency fee agreement, and plaintiffs will pay no legal fees unless the firm is able to recover damages on your behalf.

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