Sooner or later, children playing sports are likely to get hurt. Fortunately, most of these injuries are relatively minor, but a concussion can be very serious. According to the British Journal of Sports Medicine, children who previously suffered a concussion are four times as likely to sustain another. Researchers note this is an essential factor for doctors to consider when determining when a child can resume playing sports again. Further, girls are more likely to have concussions than boys.
If this has happened to your child, a serious injury lawyer at Salamati Law can help you receive the compensation you deserve so that your child may recover as fully as possible.
What is a Concussion?
A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury. The force of impact causes the brain to rock back and forth within the skull. While a concussion is generally considered a minor brain injury, some can have long-term consequences. The more concussions a person experiences, the more likely it will cause permanent damage. In addition, if the person sustains a concussion before the brain fully heals from the initial head injury, the result is usually fatal. This is known as a second-impact syndrome. Long-term effects of a concussion in young people may include cognitive and physical problems.
Concussion Causes
The main causes of concussion in children include:
- Motor vehicle accidents
- Falls
- Sports injuries
- Violence
When it comes to sports injuries, any underage athlete who hits their head should not return to the activity until cleared by a doctor. A healthcare provider should always evaluate the child.
Concussion Symptoms
Concussion symptoms include:
- Brief loss of consciousness
- Headache
- Confusion
- Dizziness
- Nausea and vomiting
- Blurry vision
- Memory loss
- Ringing in the ears
- Fatigue
- Personality changes
Often, concussed children do not realize they are impaired. A family member or friend usually determines the child is not acting normally and needs medical attention.
Traumatic Brain Injury Damages
Damages, or compensation, for a TBI, may include:
- Medical expenses, current, and future
- Rehabilitation expenses
- Pain and suffering
Keep in mind there is no cap on damages for pain and suffering in California, with the exception of medical malpractice. Moreover, children receiving a blow to the head during a sports activity should not participate for the rest of the day. If a coach or another individual puts a child back into the game that same day, ignoring California protocols, the organization may prove liable for punitive damages.
Contact a Los Angeles Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer
If your child has suffered a traumatic brain injury due to another party’s negligence or recklessness, you need the services of an experienced Los Angeles brain injury attorney at Salamati Law. Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation. There is no fee unless you receive compensation.